
CT Real Estate Partners – Applying ESG in Residential Strategies

Read our latest White Paper on ESG in Residential Real Estate. It provides our perspectives on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) as an evolving topic within the real estate industry. It highlights how and why we are applying our ESG principles using the residential sector as an example. The paper also discusses recent ESG developments and argues that it not only make sense from a ‘doing good’ standpoint but also from a financial perspective. It then goes on to describe how we apply the individual aspects of the E, the S and the G from our developed framework to our strategies and how we adopt the principles as a corporate, always mindful of the regulatory landscape.
24 Februar 2022
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CT Real Estate Partners – Applying ESG in Residential Strategies

Risk Disclaimer

Views and opinions have been arrived at by Columbia Threadneedle Investments and REP and should not be considered to be a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any products that may be mentioned.

Verwandte Beiträge

18 September 2024

Joanna Tano

Head of Research, Europe, Real Estate (EMEA)

UK Real Estate – Overview Q2 2024

Total returns for the UK commercial property market turned positive in Q1 2024.
Read time - 3 min
17 März 2023

Stewart Bennett

Global Head of Alternatives

Real estate – understanding the new normal

Where next for real estate? With sections on the UK, Continental European and US real estate our team take a closer look at the economic backdrop, activity in 2022, the outlook for 2023 plus strategy calls across various sub-sectors.
Read time - 9 min
13 Januar 2023

Joanna Tano

Head of Research, Europe, Real Estate (EMEA)

Immobilien: Werterhaltung als Maxime

2022 waren die Immobilienmärkte von großer Unsicherheit geprägt. Joanna Tano blickt auf das Jahr 2023 und einige Themen, die künftig für den Immobiliensektor eine Rolle spielen dürften.
Read time - 4 min
11 Februar 2025

In Credit Weekly Snapshot – February 2025

Our fixed income team provide their weekly snapshot of market events.
10 Februar 2025

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

Where to next for global interest rates?

The past two weeks have seen monetary policy meetings for the big four central banks in the developed world.
3 Februar 2025

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

Tariff turmoil

A possible trade war is upon us, and it threatens to upend the established world order.

Risk Disclaimer

Views and opinions have been arrived at by Columbia Threadneedle Investments and REP and should not be considered to be a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any products that may be mentioned.

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