
ESG Viewpoint: Deforestation in Brazil

  • Brazil’s natural habitats are valuable on a global scale – the country contains 15-20% of the world’s biological diversity and 60% of the Amazon rainforest
  • Deforestation increased under President Bolsonaro with cattle farming, soy production and gold mining the key drivers.  President Lula has pledged to halt deforestation
  • We believe deforestation in Brazil poses material risks to investors, explore why it matters and discuss changes in the regulatory backdrop
  • In Brazil we engaged with policy makers and a range of companies operating in a range of industries linked to deforestation together with businesses with related value chains 

Interested in learning more?

Regulatory requirements are increasingly stringent, and companies need to adopt a robust approach to risk assessment and monitoring. We outline our take on best practices and our engagement activities. Download the full ESG Viewpoint to discover more.

26 Julho 2023
Joe Horrocks-Taylor
Joe Horrocks-Taylor
Senior Associate, Analyst, Responsible Investment
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ESG Viewpoint: Deforestation in Brazil

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