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27 Outubro 2023

Joanna Tano

Head of Research, Europe, Real Estate (EMEA)

Hans Nordby

Head of Research & Analytics, Real Estate (US), Lionstone Investments

Rising incomes: what are the outcomes for global residential rents?

We look at the correlation between disposable household incomes in Europe and the US and housing rents, why the market is like it is, and what it means for investors.
Watch time - 6 min
3 Abril 2023

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

Has Spring arrived for the UK and European Economies?

Recent weeks have seen the UK and Europe’s macro environment improve – in large part due to easing fears around high energy prices.
Watch time - 4 min
12 Março 2021

Colin Moore

Global Chief Investment Officer

Relationships are not easy: US equities versus Treasuries

As the economy recovers and cyclical stocks begin to outperform, we look at the connection between equities and US Treasury yields.
Read time - 5 min
5 Março 2021

Supporting International Women’s Day

Our leading female fund managers discuss the prospects for their asset class and progress made towards gender diversity.
Read time - 5 min
14 Julho 2020

The impact of Covid-19 on UK savers and investors

"For many UK households, the experience of Covid-19 is highlighting a lack of financial resilience and a need to do things differently in the future. There is evidence of a silver lining, with the pandemic leading many to re-think their focus on financial priorities"
Read time - 8 min

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