A £20,000 donation from Columbia Threadneedle Foundation enabled City Harvest to deliver 80,000 additional meals over the festive period.
City Harvest puts surplus food to good use in a sustainable way by distributing it, for free, to more than 350 charities, food banks, schools and community groups across every London borough.
An innovative charity, City Harvest alleviates the immediate needs of those experiencing food poverty whilst also driving structural improvements in the food production system.
City Harvest has delivered 26 million meals since it launched in London with 16 million of those meals delivered since Covid began. Food banks have seen a 66% rise in people needing help since the end of the £20-a-week Universal Credit increase, with need is increasing due to the end of furlough combined with rising food and petrol prices. 700,000 London children live in poverty and 50% of people who used food banks at the beginning of the pandemic had never needed to rely upon one before.
Columbia Threadneedle Foundation has supported City Harvest since 2017.