
ESG knowledge shared: February 2022

Responsible investment is continuously evolving, driven by the research and insight that fuels new discussions. Keep up to date on your responsible investing knowledge using our external ‘top picks’ of content. See what content our team have enjoyed in the last month and access thinking across third party events, articles, video and more.

Artificial intelligence

Coded Bias

This Netflix documentary investigates the bias in algorithms and artificial intelligence after a MIT Media Lab researcher uncovered flaws in facial recognition technology. It highlights the concern around the lack of legal structure and human rights violations with the technology.


Geospatial ESG

An ongoing challenge with ESG efforts is access to data. Data providers are continually developing solutions to improve insight. In this whitepaper, the World Wildlife Fund has partnered with the World Bank and Global Canopy to explore one of these potential improvements: the use of geospatial data within ESG, focusing on the environmental (E) aspect.

Climate change

We are all complicit in climate change — so we should all pay to fix it

Dieter Helm, Oxford academic and author of ‘Net Zero’, discusses cognitive dissonance, carbon pricing and what a sustainable economy would look like.

How do we solve bitcoin’s carbon problem?

The controversial cryptocurrency has long had its energy consumption compared to that of countries round the world, the latest comparison being Norway. Now banned in China and with other countries considering this too, experts disagree on whether its possible to ‘green’ this currency.

Diversity and inclusion

Financials score highest in gender equality index

Financial services is the highest scoring sector in the latest Gender-Equality Index (GEI) from Bloomberg, as overall a record number of firms disclosed diversity data.

Public health

The World's Next Big Health Emergency Is Already Here

Covid-19 has captured media attention for the past few years as the virus spread and claimed so far nearly 6 million lives. But another health crisis is already here and could claim 10 million lives by 2050: antimicrobial resistance.

Sustainable investing

Sustainable funds gain popularity in China

Data shows that actively managed equity funds are dominating China’s sustainable assets, with sustainable investing growing ever more popular since China announced its plans to build a greener economy in September 2020.

4 febrero 2022
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ESG knowledge shared: February 2022

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Opiniones relacionadas

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Natalia Luna

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Director, Portfolio Manager

IA ávida de energía: repercusiones para la inversión en laera de la transición energética

Hemos llevado a cabo un análisis en profundidad de las repercusiones que el crecimiento de la IA tendrá para la inversión.
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James Hodge

Analyst, Research Advanced Analytics

Los cambios demográficos son el futuro y los inversores deben prepararse

El cambio demográfico se percibe como algo lento y, por lo tanto, irrelevante para la toma de decisiones de inversión.
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Natalia Luna

Senior Thematic Investment Analyst, Global Research

Comicios en Estados Unidos: la Ley sobre Reducciónde la Inflación y el riesgo de que se derogue

La Ley sobre Reducción de la Inflación ha contribuido a que se produzca un notable incremento de las energías limpias y los proyectos tecnológicos en Estados Unidos, así como de las inversiones en producción.
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Steven Bell

Economista Jefe EMEA

Agitación arancelaria

Se avecina una posible guerra comercial que amenaza con poner patas arriba el orden mundial establecido.
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Gary Smith

Gestor de carteras de clientes, Renta fija

Reserva de divisas y la propuesta 10-10-10

Durante los próximos 10 años, puede que la cuota del dólar estadounidense en las reservas de divisas mundiales baje otro 10%, pero no habrá un único beneficiario, sino que 10 monedas diferentes aumentarán su presencia.
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Neil Robson

Head of Global Equities

Una carrera segura: ¿podrán las grandes tecnológicas superar de nuevo a los pronósticos?

Los magníficos beneficios han llevado a las tecnológicas estadounidenses a obtener retornos que dominan el mercado.

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Please be aware that there are links in this content that direct you away from the Columbia Threadneedle Investments website. By clicking on these links you are leaving Columbia Threadneedle Investments and entering a third party’s website. As such, Columbia Threadneedle Investments is not liable for its content.

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Enfoque de inversión

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