CT (Lux) Responsible Global Equity Fund
Still pioneers after 25 years
Our CT (Lux) Responsible Global Equity Fund was founded in 2005 and is following the same strategy as its sister fund in the UK, which adopted its global remit in 1998 and is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The portfolio is built around our robust ‘Avoid, Improve, Invest’ philosophy and draws on a wealth of expertise in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing together with the capabilities of our 40+ strong responsible investment team.
The fund targets long-term capital growth with stock selection focused within defined sustainability-orientated investment themes. Our active management ethos extends to stewardship activities and considered engagement to drive positive change in the world. We aim to measure our impact along the way, improving how we rank against a range of sustainability metrics over time.
25 years of Responsible Global Equity – still learning every day
Why Responsible Global Equity?
Robust approach
A clear avoid, invest, improve philosophy drawing on three layers of expertise – portfolio managers, responsible investment specialists and an independent Responsible Investment Advisory Committee.
Sustainability focused
A portfolio structured around seven long-term sustainability-orientated megatrends including resource efficiency, energy transition and health & well-being.
Defined quality
An actively managed high conviction portfolio. The team are clear in their definition of what makes a quality company and disciplined in their approach to valuation.
Measuring impact
Analysis of the portfolio’s impact relative to key sustainability metrics together with SDG alignment and engagement activities and case studies.
Still pioneers after 25 years
CT Responsible Global Equity Strategy - ESG Profile and Impact Report 2022
Still pioneers after 25 years
ESG Viewpoint: Evaluating ESG Progress at South Korean companies

Key risks
The value of investments and any income derived from them can go down as well as up as a result of market or currency movements and investors may not get back the original amount invested.
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