
ESG knowledge shared: January 2022

Responsible investment is continuously evolving, driven by the research and insight that fuels new discussions. Keep up to date on your responsible investing knowledge using our external ‘top picks’ of content. See what content our team have enjoyed in the last month and access thinking across third party events, articles, video and more.

Climate change

Sampdoria’s Morten Thorsby: ‘They call me football’s Greta Thunberg’

The Guardian interviews Norway midfielder Thorsby on how the newspaper inspired him into climate activism, and how fellow players can help save the planet.

COP26: The teenagers suing 33 countries

After witnessing the damage caused by brutal wildfires in their home country, a group of Portuguese teens are using human rights law to force European politicians to tackle climate change.

‘It parodies our inaction’: Don’t Look Up, an allegory of the climate crisis, lauded by activists

You may have watched this satirical end-of-the-world film over the holidays. Although receiving rather frosty reviews from critics, it attracted the attention of climate scientists and activists, who hailed it a powerful depiction of society’s response to scientific warnings of climate change.

Draw your own chart: test your climate change knowledge

Kick your brain back into gear after the festive break with this interactive test by the Financial Times.


Natural History Museum identifies more than 500 new species in 2021

Six new dinosaurs, as well as various crustaceans critical to the planet’s carbon cycle were among 552 new species identified by scientists at the Natural History Museum this year.

Public health

Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup

Journalist John Carreyrou tells the story of a massive corporate fraud – the rise and fall of Theranos, the multibillion-dollar biotech start-up whose CEO Elizabeth Holmes claimed to have devised blood tests that required only small amounts of blood and could be performed rapidly. The only problem was…the technology didn’t work.

The Dropout Podcast

This podcast also covers the story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos.

6 Januar 2022
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ESG knowledge shared: January 2022

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Verwandte Beiträge

20 November 2024

Vicki Bakhshi

Director, Responsible Investment

ESG-Viewpoint COP29: Wird eine Lösung für die Klimafinanzierung gefunden?

Die Weltklimakonferenz COP29 wird auch als „Finanz-COP“ bezeichnet, da sich die Verhandlungsführer auf ein neues globales Ziel für die Finanzierung des Klimaschutzes und der Anpassung an den Klimawandel in den Entwicklungsländern einigen wollen.
12 November 2024

Vicki Bakhshi

Director, Responsible Investment

COP29: Will it deliver on climate finance?

With mitigation and adaptation needs running into hundreds of billions of dollars, and public finances stretched, the private sector will need to deliver much of the necessary ‘climate finance’
8 November 2024

CT SDG Engagement Global Equity Strategy

Download our Engagement Progress Report to discover deep analysis of our recent engagement and related outcomes.
21 Januar 2025

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

Opening Bell 2025: Will US equities continue to lead the way?

The US economy is set fair but will bond vigilantes present a macro-economic barrier to the new president’s agenda?
21 Januar 2025

FX reserves and the 10-10-10 proposition

Over the next 10 years the US dollar will likely surrender another 10% share of global foreign exchange reserves – but there will be no single beneficiary, with 10 different currencies all growing their allocations.
21 Januar 2025

William F. „Ted“ Truscott

Chief Executive Officer

US-Rally: Zu schön, um wahr zu sein?

Im vergangenen Jahr überraschten die US-Aktienmärkte immer wieder mit hohen Gewinnen. Mit dem Amtsantritt der neuen Regierung hat die Unsicherheit jedoch fühlbar zugenommen.

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Please be aware that there are links in this content that direct you away from the Columbia Threadneedle Investments website. By clicking on these links you are leaving Columbia Threadneedle Investments and entering a third party’s website. As such, Columbia Threadneedle Investments is not liable for its content.

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