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21 Januar 2025
Chief Economist, EMEA
Opening Bell 2025: Will US equities continue to lead the way?
Opening Bell 2025: Will US equities continue to lead the way?
The US economy is set fair but will bond vigilantes present a macro-economic barrier to the new president’s agenda?
21 Januar 2025
Festverzinsliche Anlagen
FX reserves and the 10-10-10 proposition
FX reserves and the 10-10-10 proposition
Over the next 10 years the US dollar will likely surrender another 10% share of global foreign exchange reserves – but there will be no single beneficiary, with 10 different currencies all growing their allocations.
21 Januar 2025
Chief Executive Officer
US-Rally: Zu schön, um wahr zu sein?
US-Rally: Zu schön, um wahr zu sein?
Im vergangenen Jahr überraschten die US-Aktienmärkte immer wieder mit hohen Gewinnen. Mit dem Amtsantritt der neuen Regierung hat die Unsicherheit jedoch fühlbar zugenommen.