10% - As you read this article, remember this figure.
That’s the approximate average annual return of the S&P 500 Index, the standard measure of stock performance in the US, since its 1926 inception date.1 The key word here is average: there have been a lot of dramatic ups and downs over those 94 years. It is also testament to the power, consistency and resilience of the stock market — the rate is so robust that long-term returns for stocks have outpaced other major asset classes, such as bonds and commodities, by a wide margin.2 For investors who have committed to staying invested for the long term, the benefits have been generous.

What have we learned from investing through bear markets?
What recovery might look like

- Financials, consumer discretionary and information technology were winning sectors in aggregate. But hit rates — the percentage of stocks that outperformed — within those sectors were 66%, 70% and 61%, respectively, relative to the entire market over the 12-month post-trough period.
- Healthcare, consumer staples and energy sectors underperformed in aggregate, but hit rates within those sectors were still 47%, 37% and 55%, respectively, relative to the entire market over the 12-month post-trough period.

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